Legal-Bay is an industry leader in funding all types of personal injury lawsuits, including slip and fall cases and other claims involving premises liability.
Premises liability is a legal concept that applies to certain personal injury cases, as property owners—by law—are required to keep their property safe. If a person suffers injuries on said property, they may be subject to legal recourse.
If you have been injured by no fault of your own, due to unsafe conditions or an accident in a place that is not your own, there is a possibility for you to be compensated for those injuries, as property owners are responsible for keeping the premises safe.
One of the most common types of cases in premises liability claims are slip and fall accidents. If you’ve suffered broken bones, a fracture or sprain, a traumatic brain injury, or any other personal injury due to a slip and fall incident, bad fall, or any other accident involving premises liability that resulted in personal injury,
Legal-Bay is here to help you get your life back on track today.
Whether your injuries were major or minor, Legal-Bay can assist in evaluating your claim and walking you through the process of the slip and fall case funding technicalities. Legal-Bay is an advocate for victims of all types of personal injury cases, especially when those injuries occurred as a result of someone else’s negligence.
For this reason, Legal-Bay fights tirelessly for plaintiffs and provides the cash relief they need, especially if they are unable to work due to the injuries suffered as a result of someone else’s property/premises negligence.
Legal-Bay’s slip and fall pre-settlement funding programs are designed to provide immediate cash in advance of a plaintiff’s anticipated monetary award for a slip and fall suit. Anyone who has an existing lawsuit and needs cash now can apply for settlement funding or pre settlement funding.
Legal-Bay is one of the leading slip and fall lawsuit loan funding companies in the industry, with a quick approval process and some of the best & lowest rates out there. Legal-Bay’s non-recourse lawsuit loans are risk-free, as the money only ever needs to be repaid if and when you win your case.
If you have any questions at all, please contact Legal-Bay today. Our staff can quickly verify your claim on a pending slip and fall lawsuit with our free case evaluation and have a pre-settlement funding contract to you within hours.
Furthermore, if you need assistance with obtaining a slip and fall attorney, Legal-Bay can help you with that as well. Just fill out the application/inquiry form and one of our experienced reps will get back to you shortly.

Give us a call to talk about your funding needs. We can walk you through the lawsuit loans process and get cash in your hands within 2 days. 877-571-0405
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