Legal-Bay, The Lawsuit Settlement Funding Company, is a leader in Medical Malpractice Lawsuit Funding within the Legal Funding Industry.
Legal-Bay has a well equipped staff and outside consultants to evaluate complex types of medical malpractice cases quickly in order to get your case approved. Unlike many settlement loan companies within the industry, Legal-Bay’s underwriting has tremendous experience in medical malpractice – and they have a sheer focus and care for assisting victims and their family’s who have been injured unjustly or suffered wrongful deaths.
There are close to 100K wrongful deaths each year in the U.S. as a result of medical negligence. Additionally, there are over 1mm Personal Injury Claims made each year from medical malpractice.

Medical Malpractice lawsuit funding can be difficult to get funding on due to the complexity of the case, but if you have been turned down by other funding companies do not get discouraged and give Legal-Bay a try. You have nothing to lose with our free case evaluation.
Give us a call to talk about your funding needs. We can walk you through the lawsuit loans process and get cash in your hands within 2 days. 877-571-0405
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