Legal Bay Lawsuit Funding


Tampa, FL – May 9, 2011 – Legal-Bay LLC,, announced today the quickest approval process within the pre settlement lawsuit funding industry. The company announced that most personal injury cases will now be available for their “same day” settlement advance approval program. This includes semi-truck and car accident case funding. Additionally, Legal-Bay plans to add Medical Malpractice, Avandia settlement funding and Jones Act lawsuit funding to the same day approval list. However, the company still aims for a quick turnaround of 48 hours until that occurrence. Only Commercial Litigation cases will have a longer approval process.

Legal-Bay claims they are one of few companies that provide same day lawsuit cash advance approval.

Dave Kole, CEO of Legal-Bay, commented on the company’s commitment to superior clientele services in the settlement loans. “With our recent expansion plans in the Tampa Bay and Orlando Areas, we are committed to becoming Florida’s premiere legal funding company. We are dedicated to Jones Act cases in that region and nationally. Additionally, we are also committed to getting clients their needed cash settlement loan approved within hours of getting all necessary documentation. Simply put, no one in the industry is willing to make this type of commitment to plaintiffs in need of immediate customer service.”

Furthermore, the company has made a tremendous effort to provide the quickest approval for loans possible. This has led to a sharp rise in applications for several kinds of lawsuit funding. The most prevalent applications include truck and car accident pre settlement lawsuit funding in Texas and New York. Additionally, Jones Act funding in Louisiana and Mississippi are ongoing. Avandia settlement funding for cases recently settled in Federal Court in the Philadelphia, PA District are also available. Legal-Bay can be reached through their newly designed website: and the 24hr toll free hotline: 866.792.0234.  With Legal-Bay, plaintiffs in need of a quick lawsuit cash advance (also called lawsuit loans) across the U.S need look no further.

Source: Legal-Bay LLC

Legal-Bay, LLC
Dave Kole, CEO
Fairfield, New Jersey

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