Accident Lawsuit Funding Site To Be Launched in November By Legal-Bay
New York, NY – Oct. 24, 2012 – Legal-Bay LLC, The Lawsuit Settlement Funding Company, reiterated today that their much anticipated website: is on schedule for launch in early November in anticipation of the busy Thanksgiving and Christmas Holiday Season. Legal-Bay is an industry leader in the lawsuit cash advance market nationwide. It has a strong presence in: New Jersey, New York, California, Florida, Arizona, and Las Vegas, Nevada. Legal-Bay currently has a 12-hour approval process for commercial and semi trucks as well as for other automobiles and cars. However, the new site will focus on increasing applications of lawsuit accident victims who desperately need legal funding services. And with potentially faster approvals.
“Accident plaintiffs who need fast approvals, excellent rates, and good pre-settlement cash advance value will find the perfect avenue for this.

Coupled with our already exceptional customer services, we look to make this wholly owned site “head and shoulders above the rest of the industry”, commented Patty Kirby, Head of Client Relations.
For example, are you in need of travel expenses or need extra cash for the holidays? Obviously, plaintiffs who qualify for funding can access a pre-settlement lawsuit funding. The beauty about Legal-Bay’s accident lawsuit funding program is that it is not a lawsuit loan, the advance only needs to be paid back if the plaintiff is ultimately successful with their case.
Additionally, no amount of money needs to be paid back “out of pocket” until the case settles. At which point the plaintiff’s attorney will pay the funding lien that is due.
Plaintiffs in need of car or truck accident lawsuit settlement funding can apply now at: or call toll free at (877) 571-0405. Nevertheless, Legal-Bay has experienced agents standing by 24 hours a day to field calls.
Source: Legal-Bay
Patty Kirby, head of client relations,
Ph. (877) 571-0405