Can I Get A Cash Advance on a Pending Lawsuit?
So, you’ve made the decision to file a lawsuit. Whether you were injured on the job or through a medical procedure,...

Everything You Need To Know About How To Obtain A Loan on a Settlement
Here, we will help explain what a loan on a settlement is and how to obtain one. Read about the pros and cons of...

How Much Are Lawsuit Loan Fees Going to Cost Me?
Lawsuit funding is a way for people to cover the costs of their medical bills and basic living needs while they wait...

8 Shady Pre Settlement Lawsuit Funding Scenarios (And How You Can Avoid Them)
Can you get money you deserve before your settlement? Yes, you can with a settlement loan. But you are on the fence...

5 Important Things To Know About Legal Funding
Facing a lawsuit can be a daunting situation. Waiting on a final outcome can be stressful. And if your lawsuit is for...

How Do Lawsuit Loans Work?
If you have already filed a lawsuit, you know what a lengthy process it can be. It may take months—sometimes...

Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Loans For Settlements
With all the conflicting information out there, the rules on obtaining a loan for your lawsuit settlement can seem...

What Can a Personal Injury Loan Do for Me?
If you are the plaintiff in a personal injury lawsuit, you may be frustrated with the lengthy legal process. Your case...