Your Guide to Understanding Basic Legal Jargon
Legal Jargon Guide Do you have an upcoming court case and worried you won't understand the legal jargon being used?...

Tips for Being in the Courtroom
For one reason or another, you find yourself having to make an appearance in court. You have never been and you're not...

Lawyer vs Attorney: What’s the Difference?
When people think of a lawyer vs attorney, many people assume they're the same thing. Don't worry if you use both...

Reasons to Get a Settlement Loan
Going to court is not an easy process even if you're likely to win the case. Civil cases tend to be long and tedious....

How Do Settlement Loans Work?
Every year, around 40 million new lawsuits are filed through the American court system. For many Americans involved in...

Do I Qualify For a Lawsuit Loan?
If someone injures you in any way, you might be able to sue them through a personal injury lawsuit. If you win your...

Understanding Settlement Loans for Car Accident Lawsuits
We spend hours in our cars each week. We're comfortable there and we often forget just how much risk we're really...

6 Major Benefits of Lawsuit Loans
Each year, Americans make a staggering 39.5 million visits to physicians as a result of unintentional injuries. These...